Boot Düsseldorf 2025: Thank You!

We were thrilled to welcome over 1,500 visitors from all over the world! Many passionate sailors from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria joined us, along with visitors from across France, Italy, the Benelux countries, and Eastern Europe. We also had the pleasure of meeting guests from the United States, Canada, Turkey, and beyond.

Several sea trials for the AMEL 50 and AMEL 60 are already scheduled in La Rochelle and Hyères, and our teams are ready to assist with the exciting sailing projects you shared with us during the show.

A huge thank you to our teams in La Rochelle and Hyères, as well as our representatives in Germany (Kronenberg Yachting) and Turkey (ChannelR), for helping make this event a success!

If you couldn’t make it to Boot Düsseldorf, stay connected—we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming boat shows and events. In the meantime, follow our latest news and adventures on our social media and website.


8 rue Joseph Cugnot, 17180 PERIGNY, FRANCE.


+335 46 55 17 31

© 2019 Chantiers Amel | Legal notice – privacy policy

Anti-Waste and Circular Economy Law (AGEC)

Under the above French law, since the 1st of January 2022, each producer (company that places a product in the market) has his unique producer identifier number (Article L.541-10-13). This unique identifier number, assigned by the ADEME (French agency for the environment and energy management), proves that the placer on the market is a member of the APER (French association for eco-friendly pleasure boating) and that it fulfills its regulatory obligations. The AMEL SHIPYARDS’ U-ID number is: FR028009_18AOCF.