Discover AMEL’s new campaign: “True to the Sea”

Chantiers AMEL present their new campaign, capturing the essence of their sailboats.

The visual features two striking images: on the left, a warm American walnut interior with refined finishes; on the right, an AMEL yacht sailing gracefully with full sails.

“True to the Sea” reflects the vision of Henri Amel, the shipyard’s founder. He described his yachts as “true to the sea”—reliable, honest, and built for offshore sailing. For Henri Amel, a yacht needed to be strong, safe, comfortable, and dependable. This core belief is now summed up in the slogan: “True to the Sea.”

The campaign will be released in print and digital formats across multiple platforms.


8 rue Joseph Cugnot, 17180 PERIGNY, FRANCE.


+335 46 55 17 31

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Anti-Waste and Circular Economy Law (AGEC)

Under the above French law, since the 1st of January 2022, each producer (company that places a product in the market) has his unique producer identifier number (Article L.541-10-13). This unique identifier number, assigned by the ADEME (French agency for the environment and energy management), proves that the placer on the market is a member of the APER (French association for eco-friendly pleasure boating) and that it fulfills its regulatory obligations. The AMEL SHIPYARDS’ U-ID number is: FR028009_18AOCF.